Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wow, this looks...interesting

Yeah, so I hope that most Chinese people aren't like this. I personally know very nice Chinese people with upright morals, so I'm sure that people like this girl are a minority. I hope that the victims will be helped.

Anyways, I got back to LAX around 9:00 pm last night. I was freaking excited, but then today, the excitement went down like 50%. Irvine seems so...boring. I mean, most of my friends that I usually hang out with are still in school, and the friends that are out...well, I either didn't contact them or couldn't contact them. Oh well.

I worked out yesterday at the gym in UMKC, so my body's sore like a mofo. I gotta go sleep some more. Peace out.

Friday, May 23, 2008


For the people who don't know Japanese, this says "Welcome to my blog." And no, I am not Japanese. I am Taiwanese. White and black people in Kansas City and other red-neck towns, please recognize the difference. Taiwanese and Japanese are not the same thing.

Anyways, I think I had a blog before in my freshman year at high school, but I forgot the email address and the password I used because I haven't updated that in four years. So yeah, I'm starting over.

To start off, I finished my first year at umkc today after I left hospital team (early, with David Camejo cuz we were kinda sick of staying at the hospital when there is literally NO ONE there). I sincerely hope year 2 will be better than year 1, since year 1, I was still in the senioritis mode for most of first semester, which was bad. I'm thankful that I'm still in the program though, cuz some people had already decided to extend one year or just totally dropped out. At first when I started my first year at UMKC, I thought I was going to basically dominate this program. It didn't happen. Basically, after high school, I like cut down my study time to half of what I studied in my junior year at high school, while people here basically doubled their study time from what they had in high school. Therefore, as I studied less, people studied more. Hence, the appearance of the Asian-failing "B's" on my report card both semesters. Thank God I didn't have to take physics since I AP'ed out of it, but I kinda wish I could sign up for some math class here. My brain had dulled ever since I came here, since all I did here was basically memorize. Also, the single-variable calculus class here is like easy as sh17. I know that sounds weird, since the calculus at IHS is also easy as sh17, but I was looking at the problems on the exams here, and they were like the no-duh questions. Man, I should have taken that class, so I could have gotten a decent grade in that class. Anyways, I have decided to set a study schedule that would basically force me to study all night. Ouch, that's painful, but since I have decided to boycott anime and manga for the rest of med school (if I didn't, I would probably fail in the spring semester of my second year), it shouldn't be too bad.

So anyways, I'm leaving for LAX tomorrow. So excited to go back home, rest, and catch up with old friends from middle and high school. Since I'm going to have a full day tomorrow, I better stop blogging and go to sleep. *Crash on my bed.*