Saturday, July 19, 2008

Countdown to the end of summer school

So yeah, cell bio and writing intensive (more the former than the latter) dominated my summer this year. I seriously spent a lot of time studying for cell bio, but I still end up with a B+ (so far) in the class. I just don't like how the professor makes each question at least a paragraph long, with 99% each question being fluff. Writing intensive...well I would spend around 3 hours writing my 5-10 page papers the day they're due and get A's on them. I guess my worries about this class were overrated. Now I need a 92 on my last cell bio test to get an A in the class. I hope I do well.

In other news, my family plans to spend Christmas in Taiwan later this year, although that's only a plan. It depends on several other circumstances, like my sister and my vacation schedules for winter break. But considering that's the last time that I'll actually enjoy a break (the next break after that, I'll prbly be cramming/preparing for Human Structure and Function and Neurology, @#$%ing classes), I'm pretty sure my parents won't be cheap-ass and would actually let me go to Taiwan, even if it's just me on a tour, as I can probably get by over there with my Taiwanese and cruddy Mandarin.

So my current plans for my wonderful break (albeit a short one):

Possibly meet up with old middle/high school friends
Watch the Olympics when my dad's at work (think he's "boycotting" the Olympics or something because of Taiwan, but he's probably gonna still end up watching it anyways and even cheering for China if it's China vs. any non-Asian country)
Not study...seriously, two weeks off and I still have to study??
No practicing cello...seriously, it's been a while since I've seriously practiced; my fingers are rusted already; I probably can't even play scales properly now, let alone my pieces; my tuning skills went down by 99% (aka can't tune anymore without a tuning device which happens to be broken); and I'm really not into cello or classical music as a whole anymore (Mr. A in high school just brought my interest level in classical music down from near-obsessed to minimal/none).

And I know that 100% of the people in the world don't give a shit about my rants/life, but this blog is purely for myself...a place to write my thoughts out and rant.