Saturday, August 23, 2008

Beijing Olympics finally over...

Finally, the highly controversial (although personally, there was nothing controversial about this) Beijing Olympics 2008 is over. Now, I don't have to hear about the freaking protests by the Uighurs in Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Gansu and the Tibetans in Tibet and Sichuan. Damn, I was so sick of reading these pieces of shit every single day.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


台灣(中華台北)今年的奧林匹克隊還不錯了. 他們有四個銅牌. 這比2004比較差, 但是有四個獎牌就夠了.

我很討厭我今年的班. 有些很難讀. 有些很無聊. 我想我一定要好好唸書因為我不要別人想我是一個笨蛋.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rant about Harry Potter

As you can see from the title, I'm just going to rant about Harry Potter.

There are two things to notice about this book: it's lame-ass plot and racism.

First, the lame-ass plot. Seriously, people who line up at 4 am in the morning and wait for ten hours to buy a freaking book are either 1) losers who have nothing else to do, or 2) retards who think HP is the shit. Every single one of the books has the same pattern. An episode of suspense in which some random British guy/girl who happens to be a wizard/witch gets involved in some retarded shit. Then, it turns into HP and his life at his uncle's house. Then, he goes to school and gets lucky with death...every single time. Seriously, who the hell in real life can be that lucky? Furthermore, the spells are fucking retarded. If someone like Jet Li was there, he could just kill the wizard/witch casting a spell with one punch/kick/chop, since the fucking people are too fucking slow in casting spells. Also, since wizards usually talk too damn much, it's easy as shit to just pull out a gun and shoot the damn magical fags. Also, JK Rowling is so freaking uncreative. Compare her with the manga artists from Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. She can't even compare in terms of creativity. The reason she is more famous is because she is white and the manga artists are Asians, which brings me to the second part about the Harry Potter series: racism. I will freely admit that. The Ravenclaw house is, in the book, the smartest "house" in Hogwarts. This is not the main point however. The main point is that Rowling puts the East Asians, Indians, and Jews, who are the "smartest", aka book-smartest, people in the world, into this house and also makes the point that Ravenclaw members suck at sports, another stereotype of these three kinds of people (to counter this assumption, Taiwan pwned the US in 17 Little League Championships; China is ahead of the US in terms of gold medals for the 2008 Olympics so far; Indians own the US in cricket; and Jews in the US are some of the best athletes in the world). I know that these three types of people are indeed pretty damn smart in general, but she doesn't have to put any stereotypes into the book series.

If I were in the book, I could kick all the wizards/witches' asses. I would use some ancient Chinese black magic to obliterate Hogwarts and its inhabitants. Dumbledore the old fucker can't stop me. Then, I would use some weird-ass ninjitsu or genjutsu to thoroughly pwn the wizards/witches. Then, if I feel like it, I would use the Millenium Puzzle to trap their souls into the Shadow Realm. And as for Harry Potter, he ain't got crap on me. I can thoroughly kick his ass when he was a baby. Voldemort sucks. I could have just taken HP when he was a baby and throw him out a ten-story building. Oh, and to prevent ppl from seeing it, I would do it at like 3:30 am when there's no one there and cast a spell called "anti-vision" or "memory-vanisher" or some crazy shit like that.