Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Raw fingers

So after probably like five months of no serious practice of my cello, I played a humble amount of 30 minutes today of my cello. Ouch. I never knew playing thirty minutes would make my fingers feel as though they have been playing for two hours straight. My left index finger feels as though the five layers of my epidermis will peel off any minute and my finger being slashed by a bunch of knives (which was kinda wat was happening there cuz I kept on sliding my left index finger up and down the damn steel strings). This is just sad. I remember the good old days when I can play for like one and a half hours straight without feeling any pain and when pain starts at two hours. Other than the negative factors mentioned above, playing my cello was actually pretty fun, as for the past five months, I haven't done anything except study, take tests, stare at my computer, and occasionally hang out with friends. It was a little bit of a divergence from my usual routine.*

*Note: The grammar may be a bit screwed up because I haven't cracked a grammar book since two years ago SAT I. Come to think about it, I actually see some mistakes, but w/e. I'm too lazy to fix the errors right now because I don't feel like it haha...

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